The most common failures of iPhones: what are they?
We all know that the iPhone is a reliable device. Its sale generates 70% of the turnover of the Apple brand. However, like all other ranges of smartphones, it does not escape wear and tear. Drops, overvoltage, shock, humidity, defective components... these are all factors that are also the source of a technical failure of the iPhone. In this guide, we will show you the most common failures of this device. iPhone battery life issue: The battery of an iPhone has a lifespan between 3 to 5 years. Beyond this period, it may show wear, which explains the loss of autonomy. It also happens that a bad habit accelerates the failure of the batteries of the iPhone. In most cases, you plug your device into a charger while its battery is not yet flat. Over time, your iPhone's battery loses its life. The battery life problem can also be linked to the deterioration of one of the components of the device. When the charging port is faulty, your iPhone battery is not charged properly. In som...